Certified Customer Service Professional

There are many advantages to becoming a certified customer service professional. Not only are certified customer service pros better paid they can often have an easier time getting jobs.

The reason for customer service certification is that there is very little formal or traditional education in customer service available. There are lots of customer service jobs and training services out there but few of these are associated with colleges or other traditional education institutions.

The certifications are designed to verify an individual’s expertise in customer service or a particular area of customer service. Others maybe designed to prove that a person has completed customer service education of some sort.

Types of Customer Service Certification

  • Testing and courses. There are wide variety of firms that offer customer service training to employees. Many of these firms offer a certification that proves a person has completed the course. In many cases, students are tested after the course to verify that they have completed the course and passed it. Quite a few online training firms offer such certification.
  • College certification. There are very few colleges that offer courses or degrees in customer service. Some colleges may offer a package of courses in customer service related subjects and a certificate. These certificates are usually designed for persons with existing degrees who want additional skills. These are sometimes called a graduate certificate because they are made available to graduates with bachelor’s degrees.
  • Customer service evaluations and tests. There are consultants and firms that will evaluate an organization’s employees and test their customer skills. These experts sometimes provide certifications.
  • Business issued certifications. Many businesses and organizations will issue certifications of customer service expertise to employees. Certifications from organizations renowned for their customer service such as Ritz Carlton Hotels or the Nordstrom department store chain are often valued by employers.

How to Get a Customer Service Certification

The best way to get a customer service certification is to take a customer service course and a test. There are online organizations that offer training and certification.

These certifications can be very useful in some businesses such as those that provide online or telephone customer service. Most of these groups only offer their services to companies and organizations but there are a few that offer services directly to the public.

Two Organizations that provide this training are distance-learning.org and Stonebridge Universities in the UK.



Universal Class offers a six month training program and certification in general customer service.


College Certifications

The best course of action for a person without a college degree who is interested in customer service would be to get a degree in a subject like marketing, communications, management or business administration. For those with a degree a number of colleges do offer online certifications.

Kaplan University, in the United States offers such certifications online.

No specific certifications in customer service are available but certifications in entrepreneurship and business growth are available.


Check at Work

Those currently working in customer service positions should definitely ask their employers about customer service certification. Check and see what certification and training are available. Many firms offer online customer service certification and training for all employees. The big advantage to this kind of certification is that it is free and it could help you win a promotion at work.

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